2024 MAPGA Stroke Play Championship #2 (Silvercrest Cup Q) Tee Sheet

Round 1 - Mon, September 16

The Golf Club at the Highlands
Time Players
The Golf Club at the Highlands
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Adam Relan
10:10 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Carey Hodsden + Ryan Fellows
Alex Hoffman
1:30 PM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Daniel Benick + Jimmy Flippen
Alexander McGonagle
8:20 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Eric Lewis + Richard Harbour
Allen Baek
8:10 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Brett Wagner + Joe Keck
Andrew Geesey
10:40 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Jon LeSage + Tim White
Andy Bonn
10:20 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Geoff Montross + Steven Delmar
Andy Weissinger
10:30 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Casey Weston + Nick Funk
Anthony DeFrank
1:50 PM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Elliott Wilson + Yong Joo
Ashley Grier
11:20 AM 24 MA - Female 49U Bubba Pulley + Tyler Mounts
Bill Fedder
11:30 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Jon Moles + Josh Speight
Billy Hoffman
12:20 PM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Gary Carpenter + Ryan Zylstra
Billy Monroe
12:40 PM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Jake Thompson + Tyler McElroy
Brandon TJ Lee
2:00 PM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Michael Thomas + Patrick Hanna
Brendan McGrath
9:00 AM 24 MA - Male 50+ David Hutsell + Matt Kayson
Brett Wagner
8:10 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Allen Baek + Joe Keck
Brian Agee
11:50 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Brian Schaffer + Michael Bechtold
Brian Schaffer
11:50 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Brian Agee + Michael Bechtold
Bryan Jackson
11:40 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Dominic Reed + Ian Mcconnell
Bryce Abrams
8:00 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U David Newsom + Troy Thorne
Bubba Pulley
11:20 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Ashley Grier + Tyler Mounts
Carey Hodsden
10:10 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Adam Relan + Ryan Fellows
Casey Weston
10:30 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Andy Weissinger + Nick Funk
Chad Moseley
1:20 PM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Colin Fisher + Ray Richardson
Chris Dillow
9:40 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Taylor Babcock + William Fritz
Colin Fisher
1:20 PM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Chad Moseley + Ray Richardson
Dan Anderson
12:50 PM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Sam Early + Tripp McIntyre
Daniel Bengtson
10:50 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Dirk Schultz + Marc Vedder
Daniel Benick
1:30 PM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Alex Hoffman + Jimmy Flippen
David Freiss
10:00 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Drew Falvey + Joey Faulconer
David Harget
2:10 PM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Paul Russo
David Hutsell
9:00 AM 24 MA - Male 50+ Brendan McGrath + Matt Kayson
David Newsom
8:00 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Bryce Abrams + Troy Thorne
David Phillips
9:50 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Jacob Mast + R.D. Darden
Dean Sumner
8:50 AM 24 MA - Male 50+ Sean English
Dirk Schultz
10:50 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Daniel Bengtson + Marc Vedder
Dominic Reed
11:40 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Bryan Jackson + Ian Mcconnell
Drew Falvey
10:00 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U David Freiss + Joey Faulconer
Dustin Moser
9:30 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Matt Summers + Shannon McKew
Elliott Wilson
1:50 PM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Anthony DeFrank + Yong Joo
Eric Lewis
8:20 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Alexander McGonagle + Richard Harbour
Gary Carpenter
12:20 PM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Billy Hoffman + Ryan Zylstra
Geoff Montross
10:20 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Andy Bonn + Steven Delmar
Greg Pieczynski
8:40 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Joshua Strausbaugh + Mike Thomas1
Harrison Brink
1:00 PM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Jillian Drinkard + Kyle Fuller
Hunter Brown
12:10 PM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Larkin Gross + Rupe Taylor
Ian Mcconnell
11:40 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Bryan Jackson + Dominic Reed
Ian Seymour
12:00 PM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Jake Norby + Paige Gross
Jacob Mast
9:50 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U David Phillips + R.D. Darden
Jake Norby
12:00 PM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Ian Seymour + Paige Gross
Jake Thompson
12:40 PM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Billy Monroe + Tyler McElroy
Jaxson Schultz
11:10 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Justin Keith + Lulu Farina-Reiter
Jillian Drinkard
1:00 PM 24 MA - Female 49U Harrison Brink + Kyle Fuller
Jimmy Flippen
1:30 PM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Alex Hoffman + Daniel Benick
Joe Keck
8:10 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Allen Baek + Brett Wagner
Joey Faulconer
10:00 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U David Freiss + Drew Falvey
Jon Corliss
9:10 AM 24 MA - Male 50+ Rick Schuller
Jon LeSage
10:40 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Andrew Geesey + Tim White
Jon Moles
11:30 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Bill Fedder + Josh Speight
Josh Apple
1:10 PM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Marty Chandler + Sean LeDonne
Josh Speight
11:30 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Bill Fedder + Jon Moles
Joshua Strausbaugh
8:40 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Greg Pieczynski + Mike Thomas1
Justin Keith
11:10 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Jaxson Schultz + Lulu Farina-Reiter
Kiel Massong
1:40 PM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Parker Spear + Sam Jung
Kyle Fuller
1:00 PM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Harrison Brink + Jillian Drinkard
Larkin Gross
12:10 PM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Hunter Brown + Rupe Taylor
Lulu Farina-Reiter
11:10 AM 24 MA - Female 49U Jaxson Schultz + Justin Keith
Marc Vedder
10:50 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Daniel Bengtson + Dirk Schultz
Marty Chandler
1:10 PM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Josh Apple + Sean LeDonne
Matt Kayson
9:00 AM 24 MA - Male 50+ Brendan McGrath + David Hutsell
Matt Summers
9:30 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Dustin Moser + Shannon McKew
Michael Bechtold
11:50 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Brian Agee + Brian Schaffer
Michael Thomas
2:00 PM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Brandon TJ Lee + Patrick Hanna
Mike Thomas1
8:40 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Greg Pieczynski + Joshua Strausbaugh
Nick Funk
10:30 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Andy Weissinger + Casey Weston
Paige Gross
12:00 PM 24 MA - Female 49U Ian Seymour + Jake Norby
Parker Spear
1:40 PM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Kiel Massong + Sam Jung
Patrick Hanna
2:00 PM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Brandon TJ Lee + Michael Thomas
Paul Russo
2:10 PM 24 MA - Male 49 and U David Harget
R.D. Darden
9:50 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U David Phillips + Jacob Mast
Ray Richardson
1:20 PM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Chad Moseley + Colin Fisher
Richard Harbour
8:20 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Alexander McGonagle + Eric Lewis
Rick Schuller
9:10 AM 24 MA - Male 50+ Jon Corliss
Rupe Taylor
12:10 PM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Hunter Brown + Larkin Gross
Ryan Fellows
10:10 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Adam Relan + Carey Hodsden
Ryan Shuck
8:30 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Tema Masters + Zach Olsen
Ryan Zylstra
12:20 PM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Billy Hoffman + Gary Carpenter
Sam Early
12:50 PM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Dan Anderson + Tripp McIntyre
Sam Jung
1:40 PM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Kiel Massong + Parker Spear
Sean English
8:50 AM 24 MA - Male 50+ Dean Sumner
Sean LeDonne
1:10 PM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Josh Apple + Marty Chandler
Shannon McKew
9:30 AM 24 MA - Female 49U Dustin Moser + Matt Summers
Steven Delmar
10:20 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Andy Bonn + Geoff Montross
Taylor Babcock
9:40 AM 24 MA - Female 49U Chris Dillow + William Fritz
Tema Masters
8:30 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Ryan Shuck + Zach Olsen
Tim White
10:40 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Andrew Geesey + Jon LeSage
Tripp McIntyre
12:50 PM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Dan Anderson + Sam Early
Troy Thorne
8:00 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Bryce Abrams + David Newsom
Tyler McElroy
12:40 PM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Billy Monroe + Jake Thompson
Tyler Mounts
11:20 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Ashley Grier + Bubba Pulley
William Fritz
9:40 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Chris Dillow + Taylor Babcock
Yong Joo
1:50 PM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Anthony DeFrank + Elliott Wilson
Zach Olsen
8:30 AM 24 MA - Male 49 and U Ryan Shuck + Tema Masters